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----  《不一樣的自然養生法》 - 樹大招風?!  (http://buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/dispbbs.asp?boardid=14&id=12917)

--  作者:holycow91748
--  發表時間:2008/6/21 上午 03:27:41
--  《不一樣的自然養生法》 - 樹大招風?!



聯 合國公共資訊部有一附屬的諮詢性非營利組織,為「剛堅喇嘛世界和平基金會」,記者致電該基金會義大利總部,對方表示有頒贈世界名醫獎,但看過吳提供給出版 社的證書影本傳真後,指稱該證書為假造。而吳永志提供的三份學歷證書,則皆來自美國教育部不承認學分的大學,包括科羅拉多自然醫學大學、美國身心營養學 院、克萊頓自然療法學院。



--  作者:holycow91748
--  發表時間:2008/6/21 上午 03:30:50
Can someone in LA verify that the book was selling for $50 in his 演講?
--  作者:蓮子
--  發表時間:2008/6/22 上午 04:39:51
well... what if you buy books in america usually is more expensive than taiwan... but for 50 bucks a book just like taiwan\'s size is kinda expensive... as you can see from the article we never been to his speech in LA and we never know everything they said  is true or not... that\'s all words by the other\'s mouth... so be smart by urself...  after reading his book i found out his theory of natural organic diet is just like the others author but presenting in different way... i don\'t know is he really made his background all up... but for sure you won\'t die if you eat his way because eveything you eat is just vegetable and fruit...