以文本方式檢視主題 - 佛網Life論壇 (http://buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/index.asp) -- 金剛討論版(Life論壇) (http://buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- 此時是得到貝諾法王加持與灌頂的重要時機! (http://buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=16755) |
-- 作者:whataboutu -- 發表時間:2009/3/30 上午 09:15:21 -- 此時是得到貝諾法王加持與灌頂的重要時機! ! 請廣大流傳,願一切不善於法界自消融,一切善德法性力中增, 願一切有情得法王加持 現前如來四身五智之功德,亦如法王證無上之法性盡地, 如法王得大圓滿之最上果位如蓮花生大士 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/serenalotus-blog/ 佐欽堪布邱嘎仁波切對大圓滿弟子
原文出自《大成就者之歌》的官方部落格最新文章 http://blazing-splendor.blogspot.com/2009/03/parinirvana-of-his-holiness-penor.html, 感謝法友的翻譯和分享! 另可上白玉官網看貝諾法王的相關影片http://www.youtube.com/palyul ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (前段敘述法王圓寂過程與生平,略) This may come as sad news to some because it seems that he has left this world, but actually he is never separate from us. He always lives in the heart of our faith. According to Dzogchen Tantras, when a great enlightened teacher passes into parinirvana students have an extraordinary moment to receive blessings from this teacher by making supplications and offerings, as well as making profound personal commitments and aspirations. This is an especially powerful time to request teachings and blessings while praying that more emanations of this master manifest in this world to benefit all beings. 這對某些人來說可能是個悲傷的消息,但事實上他從未離開我們。他總是與我們心中的信心同在。依據大圓滿續部,當偉大的證悟上師趨入涅槃,弟子此時有絕佳的機會藉由祈請與供養來領受加持,或是發甚深的誓言與願望。這是一個特別有力量的時刻,可以祈請這位上師為了利益眾生,變化眾多化身以賜予教導跟加持。
Therefore, I request all International Dzogchen Sanghas to gather their local communities together and do the following practices and ceremonies: 因此我要求所有international dzogchen sangha的人在當地聚集並做以下的修持:
1. Offer Flowers, Lights, and Water: In front of a photo of H.H. Penor Rinpoche, offer beautiful flowers, luminous lights, and clear, clean water. 一、供養花、燈、水。在貝諾法王的照片前面,供養美麗的花朵、明燈,與清淨的水。 2. Offer Tsok Pujas (Feast Offerings): Specifically you can do the Rigdzin Dupa or Yumka Tsok, or simply recite the concise feast offering from The Buddha Path. 二、做薈供。特別是會做持明總集或者母尊大樂王女會供的,或者只是唸頌the buddha path一書中的簡要會供文。
3. Recite Guru Padmasambhava Mantra: Recite the following mantra 100,000 times or as much as possible: Om Ah Hung Badzra Guru Padma Siddhi Hung 三、唸蓮師咒。以下咒語唸十萬次或盡力唸誦。嗡阿吽班乍姑魯貝馬悉地吽
4. Read and discuss H.H. Penor Rinpoche’s amazing Life Story. 四、閱讀並討論貝諾法王的勝妙傳記。
5. Request teachings and blessings: Pray to H.H. Penor Rinpoche for your personal answers, blessings, and empowerment. 五、請求教導與加持。向貝諾法王祈禱,可以求自己疑惑的解答,或請求加持跟灌頂。 6. Make Profound and Sincere Commitments: Make a commitment to do positive things such as teach Dharma and practice, while committing not to do negative things. You can say, “Please Your Holiness Penor Rinpoche, bless me. For the true happiness of all beings, I hearby commit that I will do good things such as ...[your positive activities] and avoid doing bad things such as...[your negative activities]. Please holy enlightened master Penor Rinpoche, please bless me that I may accomplish my aspirations for the true happiness of all beings.” Right after the parinirvana of great enlightened beings, whatever virtuous aspirations and commitments you make will swiftly be fulfilled. 六、發真誠甚深的誓言。 為善行立下誓言,例如傳授跟修持佛法,發誓不做惡行。你可以這樣說:貝諾法王,請您加持我,為了所有眾生真正的快樂,我今日承諾我將做如下的善行….並戒除如下的惡行……願證悟者、聖上師貝諾仁波切您加持我成就此利益一切眾生的願望。 大覺者圓寂之後,依之作任何勝妙的發願與誓言都會很快成就。
7. Make Aspirations Pray: By the power of Penor Rinpoche’s aspirations, may the Dzogchen Lineage increase and may the world have peace and happiness forever. 七、祈願。
願我從內心深處依循貝諾法王的指導與教言。 願我ㄧ心依止貝諾法王的大圓滿道途。 願我圓滿成辦貝諾法王的大願。 願我了悟貝諾仁波切與我心不分離的決定信。 依於貝諾仁波切的願力,願大圓滿傳承增上,世界永恆和平安樂。
This message is from Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche’s longing faith and devotion. 佐欽堪布邱嘎仁波切由深切虔信而發。 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Penor Rinpoche’s Biography and Other Links: Biography: Here is a biography about Pema Norbu Rinpoche. Gather friends and watch Movies and Videos about Penor Rinopoche: There are many videos available online that reveal his amazing activities. The Compassionate World is an hour-long documentary that wonderfully illustrates his amazing dharma activities. There is also an official YouTube channel devoted to Penor Rinpoche: 引用:http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!N6UeoKGLFQRVeM1PFNpuVrmZ9HCE/article?mid=2069 ◎ 米龐仁波切開示「悼念貝諾法王——薩姜的信 」新增大寶法王開示的上師相應法 ◎ 法王如意寶晉美彭措經常讚歎貝諾法王已為肉身佛!頂果欽哲法王說:「貝諾法王已經是一位超越三昧耶的聖者。」閱讀已證無上之「法性盡地」聖者貝諾法王的傳記!以此和法王上師相應極殊勝! ◎貝瑪諾布法王示現圓寂,法尊堪布闕噶仁波切籲請全球弟子以三種方式追憶尊貴偉大的貝諾法王(一)修法點燈與供花(二)廣修隨喜(三)發願承諾,此種善願承諾將會得到貝諾法王的加持,易於實現! ◎修上師相應法,與法王法身相見!開示《以“心”相會 》《誠信之心必須持續從此生到來世 》 ◎貝諾法王圓寂,法王傳記、法王教法,此時貝諾法王可於十方皆加持,虔心弟子猛烈祈請、修上師相應法與法王法身中相見!!內附法王開示上師相應法 ~ 金剛薩埵意成就 嗡梭地 上師本尊護法請垂鑑 於今精進所修善資糧 及與三時所積諸善業 縱結回向無上大菩提 從今直至菩提藏之間 善種聰慧亦無有我慢 悲心廣大具恭敬上師 祈願永住吉祥金剛乘 灌頂成熟守誓守律儀 二次第道念修達究竟 無難趣行持明之果位 祈願易成二種妙悉地 任所顯現圓滿幻網輪 一切聲音離言密咒音 心之變化自明無所無 不即不離大樂願現前 於諸分位修最勝成就 普消外內秘密諸違緣 順緣無不具足在此生 祈願二利心願自然成 死有現前法身之果位 中有覺起幻化網之身 於空行剎最勝普賢行 祈願無有艱難速圓滿 廣行大海圓滿智慧地 利他無私依所化契入 離障虛空雙運金剛身 祈願即生迅速得圓滿 如幻三摩地,彈指超無學~~怙主貝諾法王涅槃前的等持(正心行處)Thugdam |