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-- 作者:倫倫 -- 發表時間:2009/8/13 上午 10:28:41 -- 【轉貼】敏卓林堪千仁波切對南台灣莫拉克颱風災情之關切信函 大地失調 ,歲月黯禱 ..... 我們在島嶼上生活著,小小的島,是提供我們一切的母親 ;小小的島嶼,在我們的心中生活著,如流如凝 ,休戚與共 .... 請為我們的受苦同胞付出愛
【尊貴的敏卓林堪千仁波切對南台灣災情之關切信函 2009. 8 .12 】 致所有的法友: 很不幸地,這次的狂風暴雨席捲台灣,影響了無數的眾生。而這次天災對人民和國家所帶來的創傷,讓我感到萬分的悲傷。特此,敝人謹代表敏卓林向罹難者家屬親眷致以摯切的哀悼,祈願亡者能夠往生阿彌陀佛淨土。同時,敏卓林全寺僧侶也會為失去家園財物的受難者迴向,祈願受難者能夠克服不幸遭遇,迎接新生活;祈願他們皆能圓滿一切善願。 人類對環境的輕率規劃,似乎是造成嚴重自然災害的主因。雖然科技的發展為人類帶來許多益處、讓我們的生活變得更便利舒適,然而自然資源卻也因而被摧毀了;一如我們此次所目睹般,已造成了目前的困境。未來,我們需要更關注這些(負面的)影響,開始為新一代好好規劃,以令後人不再遭受到像我們一樣的窘境。倘若我們沒有濫用和耗盡天然資源,或許往昔的災情,諸如海嘯、龍捲風等就不會造成巨大的影響。我思索著,也許印度確實有些落後,但也或許正因其未曾濫砍傷害林木、以及其他天然資源,是以不致發生如我們眼下所遭受到的天災。 謹獻上我們的祝禱和迴向給予所有在這次毀滅性天災受到苦難的人們,無論目前遭受到甚麼樣的苦難,就在這些祝禱迴向的當下,敝人請求各位,從今天開始,願大家對我們的大地能承擔更多責任,如此才不致再次造成環境猛烈變動下所導致的重大災情啊。 敏林堪千仁波切親書 2009. 8 .12 ( To All Dharma Friends ) It is very unfortunate that this catastrophic storm has taken place in Taiwan and affected so many beings. I am truly saddened by the situation that the natural disaster has created for so many people and for the big loss the country is suffering. On behalf of Mindrolling, I express my deep condolences to all the family and relatives of the deceased and pray that the deceased will be born in Amitabha’s Pure Land . Also, we shall send our prayers to those who have lost their homes and belongings so that they will be able to overcome this and lead a renewed life with all their wishes fulfilled. It seems that careless environmental designs by humans have attributed to the magnitude of this natural disaster. Although our technology has progressed and brought so many changes to make our lives easier and more comfortable, natural resources end up being destroyed. In turn, this causes effects like the current conditions we are witnessing. In the future, we need to be more aware of these effects, and should plan now for the future generations, so that they won’t face the same situations we are facing today. Perhaps past conditions like tsunamis, cyclones, etc. might not have had such a massive impact if the natural resources had not been abused and depleted. I ponder, we may have remained a bit under-developed, but perhaps it is more beneficial to not destroy the trees and other resources so that disasters like we face today would not happen. We send our prayers and aspirations to all people who are suffering from the devastating effects of natural disasters, whatever is being faced today at this moment. As these prayers are being sent, I request that you all, beginning from today, be more responsible to our eco-environment so that the drastic changes of environment leading to drastic disasters do not occur again Milinh Khenchen Rinpoche 籲請 ◎護持敏卓林五十萬盞明燈燈供之法友,敬請發心迴向於莫拉克颱風中罹難之往生者,解除大怖畏•南臺灣的同胞早日解脫困境!謝謝大家。
◎ 您可以瞭解更多:
【敏卓林堪千仁波切 2009年(土牛年)之特別祝福】http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=1599 【敏卓林堪千仁波切 2009年(土牛年)之特別祝福】http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=1599 【敏卓林堪千仁波切 2009年(土牛年)之特別祝福】http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=1599 【猶如珍貴教法之殊勝太陽~~敏卓林第二法脈執持者•尊貴的 第九任敏林堪千仁波切】
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[此帖子已經被作者於2009/8/13 上午 10:31:18編輯過]