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-- 作者:噶瑪尼瑪 -- 發表時間:2006/10/17 上午 11:17:19 -- [轉貼]噶瑪恰美仁波切---開示持戒竅訣 持 戒 竅 訣 噶瑪恰美仁波切在《大手印與大圓滿合修》中開示了如下之持戒竅訣。 進入佛門、接受灌頂、閱讀傳授的教言之後,若不遵守戒律和三昧耶,你將因此墮落,如妙藥變成毒藥。 如果你不知道持戒之詳情而難以護持之,以下面的方式將戒律濃縮為其精髓而持之亦足夠: 全心相信三寶,對守護皈依戒來說已經足夠。 戒除任何對其他眾生的惱害,對守護別解脫戒來說已經足夠。 將自己的所有善根全部回向於一切眾生的廣大利益, 盡己所能去利益眾生,對守護菩薩戒來說已經足夠。 視根本上師與本尊無二。 勿於上師起任何邪見, 對守護一切密乘三昧耶來說已經足夠。 對如是護持戒律和三昧耶者,上師將賜予加持、本尊將予以成就。 對如是護持戒律和三昧耶者,上師將賜予加持、本尊將予以成就。 空行和護法必將為其清除種種障礙。 After having entered the gate of Dharma and received empowerment, reading transmission, and instruction, If you don\'t observe your vows and samayas It will ruin you just like medicine that has turned into poison. If you don\'t know the details of how to observe them and have difficulty keeping them, It will suffice to keep them condensed to their essence, in the following way: To place your total confidence in the Three Jewels, Will suffice for keeping the refuge precepts. To refrain from ever causing harm to others, Will suffice for keeping the disciplines and precepts of Individual Liberation. Dedicate all your virtuous deeds to the universal benefit of all beings. To try to benefit others as much as you are able, Will suffice for keeping the bodhisattva precepts. Regard your root guru as being inseparable from the yidam. To refrain from entertaining any wrong views about him, Will suffice for keeping all the samayas of Secret Mantra. The masters will bestow blessings and the yidams will grant their siddhis To the one who keeps the precepts and samayas in this way. It is certain that the dakinis and Dharma protectors will clear away the obstacles 寧瑪資訊:http://www.nmzx.com/
[此帖子已經被作者於2006/10/17 下午 11:31:42編輯過]
-- 作者:AI -- 發表時間:2009/12/27 上午 06:19:10 -- |
-- 作者:AI -- 發表時間:2010/1/2 上午 08:07:25 -- |
-- 作者:AI -- 發表時間:2010/2/14 上午 08:02:28 -- |
-- 作者:AI -- 發表時間:2010/3/27 上午 07:42:43 --
-- 作者:AI -- 發表時間:2010/5/3 上午 06:21:25 -- |
-- 作者:AI -- 發表時間:2010/6/22 上午 07:58:14 -- 噶瑪恰美仁波切 |