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-- 作者:g8711711 -- 發表時間:2011/6/29 上午 11:42:01 -- 敏林堪千仁波切的開示 ─ 信念與智識 & 慈悲
這豈非荒謬? Faith and Intellect信念與智識 Nagarjuna states that both faith and intelligence are crucial factors for our spiritual development, and of the two, faith is the foundation. He clearly states, however, that for faith to have sufficient power to drive our spiritual progress, we need intelligence, a faculty that can enable us to recognise the right path and to cultivate deep insights. Your understanding should not remain, however, merely at the level of knowledge and intellect. Rather, it should be integrated into your heart and mind so that there is direct impact on your conduct. Otherwise your study of Buddhism will be purely intellectual and will have no effect on your attitudes, your conduct or your way of life.
龍樹菩薩闡明信念與智識是心靈成長的兩大重要要素, 其中又以信念為其關鍵。 龍樹菩薩清楚提及, 我們需要智慧以明辨正道繼而培養深刻的理解, 如此方能有足夠的力量驅使心靈成長。 然而理解不應只停留在智識與理性的階段, 而應將其融入於自心及精神, 如斯方能直接影響作為。 否則我們在佛法上的學習將單只止於智識層面, 相對於態度、行為及生活方式則毫無實效與具義。 COMPASSION慈悲 Compassion is not simply a sense of sympathy or caring for the person before you, or a sharp clarity of recognition of their needs and pain, it is also a sustained and practical determination to do whatever is possible and necessary to help alleviate their suffering. Compassion is not true compassion unless it is active. Compassion seems marvelous, but in practice our actions are deeply uncompassionate and bring us and others mostly frustration and distress, and not the happiness we are all seeking for. Isn’t it absurd,then, that we all long for happiness, yet nearly all our actions and feelings lead us directly away from that happiness? A canny, self seeking, resourceful selfishness, the selfish protection of ego, which can, as we all know, make us at the moments extremely brutal. But in fact the complete reverse is true: self-grasping and self cherisheing are seen, when you really look at them, to be root of all the harm to others, and also of all harm to ourselves. Every single negative thing we have ever thought or done has ultimately arisen from our grasping at a false self, and our cherishing of that false self, making it the dearest and most important element in our lives. All those negative thoughts, emotions, desires and actions that are the cause of our negative karma are engendered by self grasping and self-cherishing. They are dark, powerful magnet that attracts to us, life after life, every obstacle, every misfortune, every anguish, every disaster, and so they are the root cause of all the suffering of samsara. 慈悲並非僅只於對他人的同情或關愛, 也並非僅只明確的知曉他人的需求與苦痛; 而是以持續的決心, 盡力去做任何可能與必需之事, 以減輕其身心的痛苦。 慈悲必須是油然而生、發自內心的, 否則即不能稱之為真慈悲。 雖然慈悲看似很了不起, 然而我們的行為卻往往很不慈悲, 甚至為他人帶來挫折與苦惱, 而非我們所祈使的快樂。 誠然我們追求快樂, 但我們的行為與情緒卻往往使自己背離快樂。 這豈非荒謬? 我們都知道老謀深算、自私自利和自我保護的行為, 必然導致我們在當下極其冷酷苛刻。 反之亦然,當我們看清楚後, 就明白我執、重視自我均是傷害他人及自身的根源。 任何負面的想法與行為都來自我們對一個「假我」的執著與重視, 而我們對這個假我的呵護, 依然成為我們生命中最關鍵的要素。 所有一切造成負面業行的負面思想、情緒、慾望和行為, 都來自我執以及對自我的重視。 它們是一股黑暗的巨大磁力,生生世世牽引著我們, 形成所有的困厄、不幸、痛苦與災難, 故而也成為痛苦輪迴的肇因了! ................................... ◎本官方部落格為敏林堪千仁波切與The EasternSun Group唯一公認之官方中文網站 ( 請於敏林堪千仁波切英文官網www.khenchenrinpoche.org/2-sup port.htm 徵信) ;並未以「部落格名」成立「相似名稱之佛學會」。 懇請十方善信支持「敏林堪千官方部落格─敏林堪千仁波切的達瑪師利語自在秘密宮殿」多年來的默默努力 ~ 感恩您 ! 唯願 :永具菩提心 ! (◕‿◕✿)*♥ღ ♫ ♫¸¸.•*歡迎點閱 ◎延伸閱讀 :溫故知新• 【敏卓林堪千世系~~首座輔弼大譯師羅千達瑪師利尊者略傳】 【敏林堪千仁波切的非有非無•中觀 ( 5 )】 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=2135&prev=2145&next=2125&l=f&fid=16 【敏卓林•怙主堪千仁波切開示~ ~caring for each other 】 【敏卓林•敏林堪千仁波切的開示:我們必需瞭知~~ We have to know 】 【敏卓林•怙主堪千仁波切開示~ ~母親 &度母 ~~】 【敏卓林•怙主堪千仁波切開示~ ~無常&心】 【敏卓林•怙主堪千仁波切開示~ ~何謂中陰 ?~~What\'s Bardo ?】 ◎版權所有• [此帖子已經被版工於2011/6/30 下午 06:18:08編輯過]
-- 作者:leemathew888 -- 發表時間:2011/6/30 上午 01:02:33 -- 南無阿彌陀佛! |
-- 作者:lisav -- 發表時間:2011/6/30 上午 03:44:02 -- |
-- 作者:lin555 -- 發表時間:2012/4/29 上午 07:55:55 -- |
-- 作者:阿全 -- 發表時間:2013/8/2 上午 04:27:12 -- |
-- 作者:倫倫 -- 發表時間:2015/6/4 上午 10:54:15 -- |