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-- 作者:ccsmile2 -- 發表時間:2013/9/10 上午 03:21:42 -- 藥師佛法會《藥師經儀軌--甘露寶瓶》全知 米滂 仁波切 造 藥師佛法會 全知
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翻譯 Medicine Guru Table of Contents 目 錄 Benedictory Verses 八聖吉祥祈禱文 The Great Cloud of
Blessings 大自在祈請文 Supplicating the
Lineage of Dzogchen Lamas 大圓滿傳承上師祈請文 Going for Refuge 皈依 Confessing Negativities 懺悔罪業 Offering the Self 自身供養 Rousing the Mind of
Supreme Enlightenment 發菩提心 Cultivating the Four
Immeasurables 修四無量心 Blessing the Land 大地加持 宮殿加持 Blessing the Seat 法坐加持 Blessing the Offerings 供品加持 Invocation 迎請 Supplicating the Field of Accumulation 觀想皈依境 Offering the Seven Branches 七支供 Homage and Offerings to Buddha Renowned Reputation 頂禮供養善名稱吉祥王如來 Homage and Offerings to Buddha Precious Moon 頂禮供養寶月蓮莊嚴智光音自在王如來 Homage and Offerings to Buddha Stainless Gold 頂禮供養金色無垢寶光妙行成就如來 Homage and Offerings to Buddha Supreme Ecstasy 頂禮供養無憂最勝吉祥如來 Homage and Offerings to Buddha Ocean of Dharma Fame 頂禮供養法海雷音如來 Homage and Offerings to Buddha King of Knowledge 頂禮供養法海勝慧遊戲神通王如來 Homage and Offerings to Buddha Medicine Guru 頂禮供養藥師琉璃光如來 Homage and Offerings to Buddha Shakyamuni 頂禮供養釋迦牟尼佛如來 Homage and Offerings to the Dharma Jewel 頂禮供養法寶 Offerings to the Sanga Jewel 頂禮供養僧寶 Homage and Offerings to the Sangha Jewel, the
Guardians of Dharma, Brahma, indra, the Four Great Kings, the Twelve Yaksha
Chiefs and so on 頂禮供養梵天、遍入天、四天王、以及十二藥叉將等護法 Offering the Torma 對山神等獻供食子 Long Dharani 藥師佛長咒 Short Dharani 藥師佛短咒 Concluding Offerings and Praises 結行讚供 Aspirational Prayers 發願 Requesting Forgiveness 請求寬恕 Asking the Host to Depart 送神返回 Dedicating Virtue 功德迴向 Auspicious Verses 吉祥頌 The Vajra Knot Prayer 金剛結願文 Mingyur Dorje’s Revelation ‘King of the Ten
Directions’ 明珠多傑伏藏法十方佛 Dedicatory Prayers 迴向文