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----  尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切 --- 於佛學院簡短開示  (http://buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=43265)

--  作者:howly168
--  發表時間:2014/10/7 上午 11:05:06
--  尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切 --- 於佛學院簡短開示
((( 不要去掛心你所想或所知道的事情!

往昔偉大的持明成就者, 諸如於印度的龍樹菩薩、無著菩薩、世親菩薩,以及偉大的龍欽巴尊者與米滂仁波切等,均孜孜不倦地教授眾生論典與對眾生深具重要意義的著述。他們辛苦地做的這些事,並非為了沽名釣譽,唯願自己的智慧和智識得能傳遞,以幫助未來無數的眾生。因此,領受法教後,就當認真精進地實修,這對我們每個人都是很重要的。

─ 敏林堪千仁波切│於安居圓滿前一日,《吉祥八大法行總義釋論•成就精華》( Ngödrup Nyingpo ) &《三自解脫論》( Rangdrol Korsum)口傳圓滿前,對佛學院學僧的簡短開示│22/09/2014 |http://khenchen.pixnet.net/blog/post/209761849

Don\'t concern yourself with any of the thoughts that arise in your mind!
Don\'t concern yourself with the knowledge you have acquired!
We have deep and heavy karmic evil; our thoughts are constantly distracted and our actions are unruly and unbridled.
Don\'t chase good or evil; just leave them! There is, beyond good and evil, a way to salvation.
三自解脫論 :


《 Rangdrol Korsum》: Three text are- sem nyid rang drol, choyid rang drol and nyam yid rang drol.
☉ Photo story | 照片左起立者為: 尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切 , 尊貴的薩迦法王, 尊貴的達賴尊者,尊貴的直貢澈贊法王 | Standing from left to right : H.E Minling Khenchen Rinpoche,H.H.the Sakya Trizin Rinpoche,H.H.Dalai Lama,H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche
In the past, the great MAHA SIDHAS, like Arya Nagar Juna, Assangha and Vassubandu ect. in India, and Great Longchenpa and Mipham Rinpoche ect. in Tibet, worked tirelessly to bring up treatises and books containing meaningful teachings for the sentient beings.

They did all these not just for gaining name and fame. They worked so hard for only one reason that is to pass down their wisdom and knowledge and help the countless beings in the future. Therefore it is important for all of us to practice very seriously once you have received the transmissions.

I urge you all to be a serious practitioner in this life now and today when your senses and faculties are young and active. Now is the time, once you become old, your physical body will not accompany you and it will be too late. We as a human have a bad habit of leaving things undone once or twice, which is not going to work for spiritual practices. We have to continue doing it in our daily lives as a part of living. It may seem difficult in the beginning as nothing is easy at the start, but after you get acquainted with the practice as a part of your daily activities, it will be easier.

Since you all are studying in SHEDRA, which literarily means College, you are no more kids. You all are matured enough to think about what is good and what is bad. So, please know the importance of your human life and do your best for the best.
─Minling Khenchen Rinpoche│http://khenchen.pixnet.net/blog/post/209761849|The concluding speech --The oral transmission of Ngödrup Nyingpo and Rangdrol Korsum2014 .9.22

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