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-- 作者:howly168 -- 發表時間:2014/11/17 上午 09:13:30 -- 輪迴的諷刺-- 敏林堪千仁波切與您分享的小故事 │ H.E.Minling Khenchen Rinpoche sharing a Story with You : The Irony Of Samsara 輪迴的諷刺-- 敏林堪千仁波切與您分享的小故事 │ H.E.Minling Khenchen Rinpoche sharing a Story with You : The Irony Of Samsara 敏林堪千仁波切與您分享的小故事 : 且讓我們想像此場景: 這場景人們並不認為有甚麼特別,但舍利弗尊者(ven. Shariputra) 道: 發生了什麼事呢? 該男子已逝的父親於池中轉生為魚。男子捕獲該魚( 他的父親 ),殺魚,並正食此魚肉。俗家男子的母親由於對此居屋依依不捨, 然而,此際他吃著父親的肉,狗(其母轉世)因啃食魚骨, ☉這是敏林堪千仁波切與您分享的小故事。人生的弔詭處, 歡迎善友推薦予讚 :http://khenchen.pixnet.net/ 「無量刼中已作善妙故,此世生於祥瑞聶族中, 祈願諸佛菩薩作攝受,能為引導眾生之嚮導。」 Imagine this scene: a layman sits in front of his house, eating a fish from the pond behind the house, holding his son in his lap. The dog is eating the fishbones and the man kicks the dog. Not an extraordinary scene one would think, but ven. Shariputra commented: "He eats his father\'s flesh and kicks his mother away, The enemy he killed he dandles on his lap, The wife is gnawing at her husband\'s bones, Samsara can be such a farce." What had happened? The man\'s father died and was reborn as a fish in the pool, the layman caught his father, the fish, killed it, and was now eating it. . The layman\'s mother was very attached to the house so she was reborn as the man\'s dog. The man\'s enemy had been killed for raping the man\'s wife; and because the enemy was so attached to her, he was reborn as her son. While he ate his father\'s meat, the dog - his mother - ate the fish bones, and so was beaten by her son.His own little son, his enemy, was sitting on his knee. ..........................((( 掬取依怙主之甘露語 ))) 歡迎善友推薦予讚 :http://khenchen.pixnet.net/ 昔日尊貴的 怙主 第十一任敏林澈清仁波切( 睡覺法王) 與 怙主 敦珠法王,怙主初璽法王| 右圖為貝諾法王 | 不斷努力練習上師瑜珈直到能掌握其要點是極必需的。 ☉願本文能使您增上菩提與善因。歡迎您連結部落格予讚& you can visit us at :http://khenchen.pixnet.net/ 歡迎善友推薦予讚 :http://khenchen.pixnet.net/ ◎ 圖文版權所有/All rights reserved. 敬請尊重智慧財產權 ~~如欲轉貼引用,懇請如理如法連結敏林堪千仁波切官方部落格• [此帖子已經被amw於2014/11/20 下午 05:22:33編輯過]