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-- 作者:howly168 -- 發表時間:2015/2/20 上午 02:10:44 -- 吉羊百善喜迎新 - 2015 Lunar New Year Greetings from H.E.Minling Khenchen Rinpoche ~祝您幸福如繁花,吉祥如錦繡~ ~願您淨心之願皆成辦~ 吉羊百善喜迎新 - 親愛的善友們 隨著2014年的遠颺,祈願各位於是年中所經歷的一切負面或困苦的遭遇就此結束。但願2015吉羊之年,為各位帶來健康、平安、成功和繁榮;稱心遂願。 流年似水,我們於各個層面體驗生活,這不但讓我們年長一歲,更讓我們年年增上智慧。我們逐漸變得睿智,了知一切皆為無常:因人生無常,我們失去所愛;因事業無常,我們失去工作或是晉升機緣;因關係無常,或面臨分手,或尋覓新伴;另外,成敗榮辱等等也皆無常,而這也預示著,伴隨著歲月的流逝,人事物也需面臨變化,帶來的是萬象更新與不同的挑戰。 然而,我們認知到年華漸老,所以也更加努力,但願自己和他人都能夠逐年進步,但願日常生活和佛法的薰習都能夠更上一層樓。 親愛的朋友 我希望、祈願,與祝禱各位--新春愉快 願常住正法 Dear Friends. With each passing year, we experience various challenges in different walks of life, that help us to not only grow a year older but to also become a year wiser. We slowly develop the wisdom to understand that all things are impermanent: impermanence of life where we lost our beloved ones, impermanence of jobs where we lost our jobs or were promoted, impermanence of our relationships either by break-ups or finding new partners, and impermanence of success or prosperity, etc. These all indicate to us that things do not remain the same as each new year passes, but instead bring different changes and challenges. However, we know for sure that as one grows older each year, we strive to do better. We gain new hopes for the betterment of oneself and for others – to get better in our daily lives or better in our Dharma practices. As always, With Hopes, Wishes, and Prayers Most Sincerely in Dharma, Visit us at : http://khenchen.pixnet.net/blog │ http://khenchen.wordpress.com/ │http://www.khenchenrinpoche.org/ ◎圖文版權所有/All rights reserved. 敬請尊重智慧財產權 ~~如欲轉貼引用,懇請如理如法連結敏林堪千仁波切官方部落格• [此帖子已經被作者於2015/2/20 下午 02:14:29編輯過]