
-  佛網Life論壇  (http://buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/index.asp)
--  金剛討論版(Life論壇)  (http://buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/list.asp?boardid=2)
----  丹真絨布上師開示2015-05-30  (http://buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=46240)

--  作者:lotus168
--  發表時間:2015/5/30 上午 02:40:41
--  丹真絨布上師開示2015-05-30
The origin and foundation of all the afflictions are the self-grasping or ego. Once having possessed the self-grasping, s/he creates bad karma. Because “I” want to be happy and enjoy many things, I obtain five worldly desires by any means necessary, and totally do not care about creating bad karma such as stealing, cheating and slandering. Also, since “I” do not want to suffer from pains, I do harm to people around or animals without any hesitation, creating pretty heavy evil karma towards them.
