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----  【轉貼】宣公上人(宣化上人):佛為要了生老病死四大苦,才出家修行。  (http://buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=77199)

--  作者:善達
--  發表時間:2024/10/1 上午 05:57:14
--  【轉貼】宣公上人(宣化上人):佛為要了生老病死四大苦,才出家修行。

宣公上人(宣化上人): 佛為要了生老病死四大苦,才出家修行。

佛訪道六年,不得要領,苦修六年,仍然得不到解脫的方法,最後在菩提樹下靜坐深思,豁然大悟,知道生命之輪的來源,是從無明起;消滅無明,便能消滅這四種苦。世界上一般的人,不但沒有覺悟到生老病死是苦,反而染苦為樂,而不知覺悟。生的時候,糊糊塗塗的來到這個世界,等到死的時候,又糊糊塗塗的離開這個世界。來的時候不明白為什麼而來?去的時候也不明白為什麼而去?換言之,生從何處來?死往何處去?這個問題沒有人想要知道,也沒有人想覺悟,所以糊塗而來,糊塗而去。    佛在無量劫中修種種的行門,就是為了生脫死。所以人的一生,由少而壯,由壯而老,老而多病,因病而死,這就是人生四大苦。   

The Buddha renounced the world to seek liberation from the Four Great Sufferings: birth, aging, sickness, and death. 

He practiced diligently for six years, but after exhausting efforts without finding the key to liberation, he finally sat in deep meditation under the Bodhi tree. It was there that he experienced a profound awakening, realizing that the cycle of life arises from ignorance; by eliminating ignorance, one can also eliminate these four kinds of suffering.

Most people in the world are not only unaware that birth, aging, sickness, and death are suffering, but they also mistakenly take pleasure in suffering, lacking true awareness. They come into this world in a state of confusion and leave in the same way. When they arrive, they do not understand why they have come; when they leave, they do not understand why they are going. In other words, from where does life come? Where does death lead? These questions go unanswered, and no one seeks to understand, resulting in a life of confusion from beginning to end.

The Buddha cultivated various practices over countless lifetimes for the sake of liberation from life and death. Thus, a person\'s life progresses from youth to maturity, then to old age, followed by illness and ultimately death. This is the Four Great Sufferings of life.

*文章出處: https://www.drbachinese.org/vbs/publish/245/vbs245p006c.htm


南無阿彌陀佛(Namo Amitabha Buddha)

南無藥師琉璃光如來(Namo Medicine Buddha)

南無觀世音菩薩(Namo Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva)

南無地藏王菩薩(Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva)

南無寶勝如來(Namo Jeweled Appearance Thus Come One)

南無釋迦牟尼佛(Namo Sakyamuni Buddha)

南無寶相如來(Namo Jewel Sign Tathagata)

南無大通山王如來(Namo Great Penetration Mountain King Tathagata)












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