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-- 作者:善達 -- 發表時間:2025/1/19 上午 11:52:01 -- 【轉貼】【宣公上人(宣化上人)語錄】: 聽見法華經的利益 【宣公上人(宣化上人)語錄】: 聽見法華經的利益 你若在很短的時間聽見這部《法華經》,那你就應該給你自己慶祝一番;慶祝什麼呢?「哦!我現在可得到最大的利益啦!我現在可得到最好的機會了!」什麼大的利益?什麼好的機會?得到可以成佛的機會,這不是大的利益嗎?這不是一個最好的機會嗎?就是你得聞《法華經》,成佛就有份;所謂「一稱南無佛,皆共成佛道。」你看看!你聽《法華經》,你一稱「南無佛」,你一定成佛道。就是這麼大的利益! If you hear the Lotus Sutra in a short amount of time, you should celebrate! What should you celebrate? "Oh! Now I have the greatest benefit! Now I have the best opportunity!" What great benefit? What best opportunity? The opportunity to attain Buddhahood— isn\'t that a great benefit? Isn\'t that the best opportunity? By hearing the Lotus Sutra, you have a share in becoming a Buddha. As it says, "Anyone who recites \'Namo Buddha\' will together attain the path to Buddhahood." See? By hearing the Lotus Sutra and reciting "Namo Buddha," you will definitely attain Buddhahood. That is the great benefit! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 南無阿彌陀佛(Namo Amitabha Buddha) 南無藥師琉璃光如來(Namo Medicine Buddha) 南無觀世音菩薩(Namo Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva) 南無地藏王菩薩(Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva) 南無寶勝如來(Namo Jeweled Appearance Thus Come One) 南無釋迦牟尼佛(Namo Sakyamuni Buddha) 南無寶相如來(Namo Jewel Sign Tathagata) 南無大通山王如來(Namo Great Penetration Mountain King Tathagata) 南無日光遍照菩薩 南無月光遍照菩薩 南無大勢至菩薩 南無法海雷音如來 南無善名稱吉祥王如來 南無法海勝慧遊戲神通如來 南無彌勒菩薩 南無藥上菩薩 南無藥王菩薩 南無無憂最勝吉祥如來 南無金色寶光妙行成就如來 南無寶月智嚴光音自在王如來 南無普賢菩薩 南無文殊師利菩薩 南無阿閦佛 南無燃燈佛 |