1. 打開新的E-mail信件, 標題欄填入: I Support the Harb Seal Bill! 2. 複製以下內容貼入信件內文區, 並在信尾填入自己的英文姓名與地址。 3. 收件人欄位填入 Harb議員(harbsealbill@sen.parl.gc.ca)的E-mail。
Dear Senator,
I am writing to urge you to support your efforts to end Canada\'s cruel commercial seal hunt.
This hunt only continues to exist because it is propped up by a range of government subsidies and taxpayers money. The vast majority of Canadians and caring people worldwide have been calling for an end to the hunt and the time to act is now.
Please use your unique position as a representative of both Canadians and the citizens of the world to fight for an end to this cruel slaughter.