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-- 作者:Zhi_Feng -- 發表時間:2009/8/13 上午 02:19:57 -- 【素食抗暖化救地球:台灣星期一無肉日】全球無肉請願運動 此主題相關圖片如下: 此主題相關圖片如下: --------------------------------------------------------------- 【素食抗暖化救地球:台灣星期一無肉日】 --------------------------------------------------------------- 【主旨】台灣星期一無肉日 【發布】SAAW國際2009年7月14日 【分類】環境 【地區】全球 【對象】台灣總統馬英九,環保總局和台北市政府 --------------------------------------------------------------- 【序言】 最近一則頭條報導指出:比利時的根特市,已經採取行動降低碳足跡,並且勇敢決定要求市民實施每週一天無肉,每週四將是無肉日。 根據聯合國糧農組織 2006年標題為「畜牧業巨大陰影」(Livestock\'s Long Shadow)的報告,糧農組織發現:畜牧生產佔溫室氣體總排放量的百分之十八,排放量超過所有的汽車,火車和飛機的總和。 基於肉類對環境的衝擊,我們必需減少消費這種排碳量高度密集的商品,做為解決氣候變遷危機的高效率對策。本次請願,呼籲台灣官員們立即採取行動,展現台灣對抗氣候變遷的承諾。 我們敦促政府能夠推動每週一作為台灣公民不食用肉製品日,來保護環境並遏阻全球暖化。 我們需要每個人的力量支持,來向政府官員表達:台灣必需發揚「禁肉星期一」的必要性。 所以,請簽署這份請願書,並將其轉發給您的朋友和家人。 --------------------------------------------------------------- Meat Free Monday Taiwan Published by SAAW International on Jul 14, 2009 Category:Environment Region:GLOBAL Target:Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou, Environmental Protection Administration and Taipei City Government Website:http://www.saawinternational.org Background (Preamble): In recent headlines, the city of Ghent in Belgium has taken steps to reduce its carbon footprint and has made the brave decision to ask its citizens to go meatless one day a week. Every Thursday will be veggie day. According to a 2006 report by the United Nation\'s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), entitled Livestock\'s Long Shadow: it stated that livestock production is responsible for 18 percent of all greenhouse gas (ghg)emissions which is more than all the cars, trains and planes combined. Due to the impact that meat has on the environment, we need to reduce our consumption of this carbon intensive product as an effective solution to the climate change crisis. This petition calls for Taiwanese officials to take action now that will show Taiwan\'s commitment to tackling Climate Change. We urge the government to promote every Monday as a day when the citizens of Taiwan will abstain from meat products in an effort to protect the environment and halt global warming. We call on everyone\'s support in expressing to Taiwanese officials the need for Taiwan to adopt and promote a meat free Monday. So please sign this petition and forward it to your friends and family. --------------------------------------------------------------- 【台灣星期一無肉日:重要請願連署活動】 --------------------------------------------------------------- 我們正面臨空前的全球暖化,所有個人以及整個社會都受到氣候變遷威脅,台灣在全球溫室氣體排放高居第22位,也就是佔全球溫室氣體排放總量的百分之一。 根據聯合國糧農組織 2006年標題為「畜牧業巨大陰影」(Livestock\'s Long Shadow)的報告,糧農組織發現畜牧生產佔溫室氣體總排放量的18%,包括全球9%的二氧化碳排放量,37%的甲烷(CH4),65%的氧化亞氮(N2O),氧化亞氮這種溫室氣體對全球暖化的影響效應相當於二氧化碳的296倍。 根據 2008年一份研究報告結論,生產2.2磅牛肉所產生的排碳量,等於一輛中型歐洲轎車行駛155英哩的排碳量,等量的能源足以點亮100瓦的燈泡約20天。 諾貝爾獎得主聯合國跨政府氣候變遷小組主席帕卓里博士聲明:「請減少肉食,肉是排碳量高度密集的商品。...」、「個人所能採取減少碳排量的唯一行動就是素食。」 最近一則頭條報導指出:比利時的根特市,已經採取行動降低碳足跡,並且勇敢決定要求市民實施每週一天無肉,每週四將是無肉日。 基於肉類對環境的衝擊,我們必需減少消費這種排碳量高度密集的商品,做為解決氣候變遷危機的高效率對策。本次請願,呼籲台灣官員們立即採取行動,展現台灣對抗氣候變遷的承諾。 我們需要每個人的力量支持來向政府官員表達台灣必需發揚「禁肉星期一」的必要性。 我們敦促政府能夠推動每週一作為台灣公民不食用肉製品日,來保護環境並遏阻全球暖化。 所以,請簽署這份請願書,並將其轉發給您的朋友和家人! 還請花點時間,簽署我們的全球「無肉星期一」合作夥伴,請願書可以於下面鏈接。感謝您的努力! --------------------------------------------------------------- Meat Free Monday Taiwan Petition --------------------------------------------------------------- We are currently facing unprecedented global warming. Climate Change threatens us all, as individuals and as a planet. Taiwan is ranked 22nd in the world in terms of greenhouse gas (ghg) pollution, that’s a significant 1 % of total global ghg emissions. According to a 2006 report by the United Nation\'s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), entitled Livestock\'s Long Shadow: The report found that livestock production produces 18 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, including 9 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions, 37 percent of methane, and 65 percent of nitrous oxide which is approximately 296 times more potent than CO2 as a global warming gas. A study in 2008 concluded that the production of 2.2 lbs of beef would cause the same amount of carbon emissions as an average European car driving 155 miles. The amount of energy burnt was enough to light a 100watt bulb for almost 20 days. Nobel Laureate, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, head of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has stated, “Please eat less meat; meat is a very carbon intensive commodity ...” and “The single action that a person can take to reduce carbon emissions is vegetarianism.” In recent headlines, the city of Ghent in Belgium has taken steps to reduce its carbon footprint and has made the brave decision to ask its citizens to go meatless one day a week. Every Thursday is now veggie day. Due to the impact that meat has on the environment, we need to reduce our consumption of this carbon intensive product as an effective solution to the climate change crisis. This petition calls for Taiwanese officials to take action now that will show Taiwan’s commitment to tackling Climate Change. We urge the government to promote every Monday as a day when the citizens of Taiwan will abstain from meat products in an effort to protect the environment and halt global warming. We call on everyone’s support in expressing to Taiwanese officials the need for Taiwan to adopt and promote a meat free Monday. So please sign this petition and forward it to you friends and family! Also please take the time to sign our global partner\'s meat free Monday petitions which can be found at the link below. Thank you for your efforts! Sign the petition (Taiwan):http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/meat-free-monday-taiwan/sign.html --------------------------------------------------------------- 【無肉日實現在世界─全球無肉請願運動】 --------------------------------------------------------------- 【全球無肉請願運動】 【星期一無肉日:全球連署活動】 【素食抗暖化救地球:台灣星期一無肉日】 【善待動物組織主席邀請美國總統歐巴馬加入星期一無肉日】 【星球告急─線上觀看】 【不願面對的真相─線上觀看】 【盧貝松之搶救地球─線上觀看】 【2006年柏林影展第一名短片:一盤炸雞】 【文茜世界週報─盧貝松之搶救地球】 【公共電視台─對抗暖化•寶貝台灣】 【全球警訊:肉品生產與肉食對氣候變遷的影響】 【2007年諾貝爾和平獎得主─帕卓里博士部落格】 【2007年諾貝爾和平獎得主─美國前副總統高爾】 【導致亞馬遜毀林報告─蓄養牲畜而非種植大豆】 【行政院環境保護署─宣導手冊減碳教材─下載】 【節能減碳─國內國外政府民間國際─相關網站】 【今年中秋新主張──中秋不烤肉,減碳新生活】 【佛說斷肉素食經典彙編】 【法王噶瑪巴的世界地球日宣言:環保108讓地球更美好】 【慈濟─克己復禮•全民減碳─與地球共生息】 【法鼓山提倡的四種環保】 【莫拉克巨災是全球暖化惹禍─台灣尚未有意識】 --------------------------------------------------------------- 【素食抗暖化救地球─台灣星期一無肉日─全球無肉請願運動】 --------------------------------------------------------------- 此主題相關圖片如下: 此主題相關圖片如下: 此主題相關圖片如下: 此主題相關圖片如下: [此帖子已經被作者於2009/8/13 下午 03:09:27編輯過]