Joaquin Phoenix\'s powerful documentary
about the suffering of animals for food,
fashion, pets, entertainment and medical research.
Considered the most persuasive
documentary ever made.
EARTHLINGS is nicknamed “the Vegan maker” for its
sensitive footage shot at animal shelters, pet stores,
puppy mills, factory farms, slaughterhouses,
the leather and fur trades,
sporting events, circuses and research labs.
【地球上的生靈】是一套耗時5年蒐集證據和拍攝錄影的長篇記錄片,於2003年在美國上映,本片揭露人類文明背後的血腥與自私。內容關於人類如何依靠動物為生 (如作為寵物、食物、衣物、休閒娛樂、以及科學實驗),但同樣顯示出人類如何不尊重這些所謂"非人類供應者"的生命。影片共分為10段落,主題分別為"寵物、食物、休閒"。
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