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佛網Life論壇佛網Life論壇【佛教類】討論區金剛討論版(Life論壇) → 【原創】微型轉經輪(梭巴仁波切監製)

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/ By FPMT(護持大乘法脈聯合會)


      This small pendant Prayer Wheel contains over 2.2 millions mantras of OM MANI PADME HUNG. Silver with gold plated accent size 7/8 of an inch /cm 20 tall diameter half inch / cm 15. The mantra was written by His Holiness the Dalai Lama for the purpose of duplicating as many times as possible, for use in Prayer Wheels. His Holiness’s writing, reduced to a size that require a microscope to read, was checked by Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche and is now contained in his Prayer Wheel.



     Through the tireless efforts of Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche the proper method of preparing a prayer wheel was researched. These are made with the Earth Wheel and Sky Wheel and the shaft mantras connected to the OM HA HUNG on the central shaft. Please turn in a clockwise direction while thinking of benefiting all sentient beings.




     Microfilm is actual film, like the film you put in a regular camera. Microfilm cameras have the ability to take an original document as large as legal size (11"x14") and reduce the image to 16mm by 10 mm on the microfilm. Then when the microfilm is processed (in the same manner as black and white film is processed), the images come out clearly in black and white and microscopic on the film. A microfilm reader is used to read the images on the microfilm. The film is placed into a certain slot and fed through a light and magnifier that produces the image onto a screen in front of the viewer, but in the case of mantras our images are so small that a microscope is needed to read the mantras. Microfilm is primarily used by libraries and government to store and archive documents and periodicals.

微縮膠卷是一種類似照相機用的底片。微縮照相機有能力將原始文件照下11"x14"的文件規格,並將圖像縮小至16x 10m m 。當膠卷在製作中(與黑白底片之製作類似),影像被清楚地以黑白的方式呈現在底片上。有一種微縮膠卷專用的放大鏡閱讀器,可以用來讀微縮膠卷。微縮膠卷被廣泛地用於圖書館與政府機關,以儲存、尋找文件與期刊。


     What Is The Life Span Of Microfilm? Microfilm can last over 100 years before any deterioration is detected. This is under optimal conditions, which means keeping the microfilm in a cool, dry, dark place. For prayer wheels, it is very important to consider what the conditions in the interior of the prayer wheel will be like. Microfilm will melt under extremely hot conditions (if the film is touching the hot metal on the inside walls of a prayer wheel that is standing in direct sun). If metal prayer wheels are constructed with the intention to hold microfilm they need to be insulated and ideally have a shelter over them to protect them from heat. You can use fiberglass or foam insulation, even wool or newspaper will work. If a prayer wheel is going to be constructed in very humid conditions, make sure to wind the film tight so that moisture does not get in between the layers of film. If there is space in between the film layers as it is being wound then moisture will seep into the gaps and could form mold. To prevent this, the film must be wound tightly around itself and a layer of absorbent material should insulate the prayer wheel interior. With these precautions your film should be fine. If these problems are avoided, the film should last a minimum of 100 years.




      Using Mani Film For Prayer Wheels, It is important to determine the correct direction of the film so that the mantras can be wound going clockwise around the central shaft, meaning the OM should be going first and the HUM last. We are currently working to get a better indicator on our Mani film. All our film will have readable indication in the beginning of the film itself that says BEGINNING. This will be legible to the naked eye.
A portion of the proceeds goes to support FPMT projects.

FPMT所採用的轉經輪用微縮膠卷,都有一個可用肉眼辨識的起始標識: BEGINNING。而結緣收入所得的一部份盈餘,將用於支持FPMT相關專案計劃。


<後 記>

     1. 梭巴仁波切開啟了整個轉經輪專案,並得到達賴喇嘛支持。梭巴仁波切說:需要放大多少倍不是關鍵,關鍵是指字本身寫的正確和可以被讀清楚。放大後,只要我們能看到字和字間沒有黏在一起,就沒有問題了。達賴喇嘛為微縮片特別抄寫了咒語,顯然也認可。另外有些活佛則表示因對微縮技術不瞭解(像祈竹活佛),故難以評論。

    2. 這款微型轉經輪,筆者請購自美國FPMT(因採航空包裹寄送,約等待二週才收到。但不知就近的台灣FPMT,能否結緣得到到手後發現上下蓋似乎是封死的無法打開,或許裝臟前已嚴格確認過方向了吧。另因為純手工製,所以每只的外觀、零件尺寸公差都不太一樣。而垂吊轉經輪的線繩,上面還多出了一個結,細看原為一金剛結

    3. 微型轉經輪可隨身攜帶,筆者左手持電子記數器,右手的姆指、食指持住經輪上下,在持咒同時以左姆指撥動經輪後再按下計數鈕,如此地將經輪併入修法亦屬可行。微型經輪的取得成本雖屬中上(結緣價+跨國運費),但在不便拿持'手搖經輪'的場合,如公車上、餐館中,能隨時隨地不拘地利益眾生,實為三寶的大悲心故,令人歡喜讚嘆

    4. 佛友如想透過上址請供,建議數人團購以減輕運費負擔,並留言附註請學會師兄出貨前預先檢查,可避免退換情形。

[此帖子已經被作者於2008/2/22 下午 01:11:00編輯過]

~願我的身與意 能夠成為善業的根源~十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 http://sic6766.pixnet.net/blog
2008/2/21 下午 12:43:37

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