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*** 追憶 藏醫 措嘎哇仁波切(1931~2005)

*** 追憶 藏醫 措嘎哇仁波切(1931~2005)

轉貼此文是希望曾接受過 仁波切慈悲傳法灌頂的弟子略知其生平事蹟...

措嘎哇仁波切(1932~2005)是藏醫兩大傳承之一 Chagpori 傳承持有者,也是一位尊貴的佛法導師。
仁波切一生致力於此藏醫傳承之延續,並曾擔任過 頂果欽哲法王、楚西仁波切的私人醫生。

措嘎哇仁波切生於 1932年,經當時西藏攝政者 瑞延仁波切認證為西藏最著名的醫哲 扎隆貢欠巴藏久嘉千之轉世。
仁波切十五歲之前都在寺院接受主要的教育之後他到拉薩跟隨擁有 嘉卜利傳承法教的著名醫生 拿隆夏接受九年藏醫訓練。1956年 仁波切隨同他的上師利美運動領袖 蔣揚欽哲秋吉洛卓仁波切離開西藏,隨後 仁波切主要的活動都在喜馬拉雅山區進行。


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  以下內容轉貼自 http://www.shakyadorje.org/en/Teachers.html

Born into a noble family in Thro Thralung, near Gyangtse, in the province of Tsang, in west-central Tibet, in 1931. His father was an important officer in the Tibetan government. When he was just abe to walk and talk, he led his parents to “his monastery”-- not one of the noticeable temples of Gyangtse but a small hermitage behind a hill. Here without being asked he identified his possessions from his previous life as a Buddhist master and physician.

He was first educated at home, but at the age of sixteen he was sent to Lhasa to study medicine under the great physician Nyerongsha Rigzin Lhundrub Paljor. This latter was a successor to the lineage of the Chagpori monastic school of medicine and a widely famed physician. He had at that time his own clinic, medicine production facility and apprenticeship programme.

Ven.Dr.Trogawa Rinpoche studied with him for nine years, and became accomplished in all aspects of Tibetan Medicine. He is one of his master's principle successors. As an incarnate lama, he also studied and practiced the Buddhist path in depth during this time, including its most essoteric practices, and so became famed as both a spiritual master and as a physician.
For some time he practiced medicine in the town of Drigung, but in 1957 he moved to Sikkim (then an Indian protectorate) in the company of the great Buddhist Master, Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro. After his master's passing in 1961 he moved to Darjeeling, in the foothills of the eastern Himalayas, where he lives and practices today. After the fall of Tibet, he was one of the last masters free to teach and practice Tibetan Medicine. In 1963 he was appointed chief medical teacher at the Tibetan School of Medicine and Astrology, in Dharamsala, India, the institute directed by H.H.Dalai Lama. After some years at this school he left for health reasons, and then spent a number of years in retreat in the forests of Bhutan, peeriodically emerging to treat patients. He returned to Darjeeling in the 70's, where he still lives and practices. Since 1983 he has also taught at various conferences in the west. In 1994 he founded the Chagpori Institute of Tibetan Medicine. He still directs this school and is the consulting physician for all its clinics.

Ven.Dr.Trogawa Rinpoche is today considerred one of the pre-eminent masters of Tibetan Medicine. He is the chief teacher of Shakya Dorje and granted him his qualification as an Emchi (physician of Tibetan Medicine).

 The great healer Ven.Dr.Trogawa Rinpoche left the world on May 11, 2005. He had not been ill apart from a hip injury. He spent the last months of his life in spiritual retreat, first at a temple in Siliguri, Bengal, and then at the monastery of Choten Gonpa in Gangtok, Sikkim. In his last days he was surrounded by close desciples and by other lamas. As is often the case with Buddhist masters, his remains did not deteriorate after his passing. He is deeply mourned by his many students and spiritual desciples, and by his many patients. All who knew him remember his deep kindness and compassion, his infinite wisdom, his deep understanding of healing. His legacy lives on in Chagpori, in the work of his students, in the healing he carried out and in the spiritual lives of all he touched. Therre is a blogsite for reminisces of Ven.Dr.Trogawa Rinpoche:   http://trogawa.blogspot.com 


[此帖子已經被作者於2021/2/19 下午 01:51:02編輯過]
2010/10/6 上午 08:05:23

關於 轉世靈童的訊息(轉貼自官方網站 https://www.chagpori.org)

Trogawa Yangsi Rinpoche

Incarnation of Trogawa Rinpoche.

In November 2014 Kyabje Dodrupchen Rinpoche recognised the tulku or reincarnation of Trogawa Rinpoche and also performed the ceremony of offering a name (Jigdral Choying Khyabdel) and robes to the young tulku. The enthronement ceremony was held at Chorten Gonpa, Sikkim, India.

He has been born as the eldest son of Teinlay P. Trogawa and Seldon Trogawa in the year 2006. He is fondly called as Yangsi Rinpoche.

Since May 2015 Yangsi Rinpoche started his monastic education at Chorten Gonpa in Sikkim, under the benevolent guidance of Kyabje Dodrupchen Rinpoche. He lives there either with a family member or a Chagpori amchi who takes care for him.

His focus is on Buddhist studies as well as basic general education. Together with some other young incarnate lamas, he has his own private teachers.

Some dedicated students and patients of Trogawa Rinpoche help to cover a part of the cost. In case you feel a connection and would like to join, please don’t hesitate.

You can contact Chagpori, Darjeeling, or the Chagpori Support Group in Holland.

[此帖子已經被作者於2020/3/10 上午 09:19:09編輯過]
2020/1/12 上午 07:53:43

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