敏卓林佛學院學生2010度成績發表暨優異者頒獎典禮 (
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佛門碩彥一一 出列領獎 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
佛門碩彥一一 出列領獎
仁波切對待僧眾如師如父如兄 ; 披星戴月 , 為佛學院教育與建設奔走
meditating and reciting on Vajrasattva to cleanse all obscuration.(1)
敏林堪千仁波切 : 修誦金剛薩埵以淨化所有的業障 (1)
( part one , 待續 )
meditating and reciting on Vajrasattva to cleanse all obscuration
The main obstacles that prevent all the extraordinary experiences and realizations of the profound path from arising are Negative actions, Obsurations and Habitual tendencies. Just as it is important to clean the surface of a mirror if forms are to be reflected in it, so too it is important to eliminate our obscurations so that realization can appear like a reflection in the mirror.
There is no harmful act that cannot be purified by confession. As the great teachers of ancient times affirmed:
There is nothing good about neagtive actions- except that they can be purified through confession.
Of all negative actions-be they external breaches of all pratimoksha vows, inner transgressions of the bodhicitta training, or secret violations of the trantric samayas- there is not one, however serious, that cannot be purified by confession.
In the Sutras, The Buddha tells several stories illustrating this point. For instance, there is the tale of the Brahmin Atapa, who was known as Angulimala, (translation of the name- Garland of Fingers). Angulimala killed nine hundred and ninety nine people, but then cleansed himself of those actions through confession and attained the state of Arhat in that very lifetime. THere is also the case of King Ajatsatru, who killed his father, but later repaird his crime through confession and attained liberation, having experienced the suffering of hell only for the time it takes a ball to bounce once. The protector Nagarjuna says:
Someone who has acted carelessly
But later becomes careful and attentive
Is as beautiful as the bright moon emerging from the clouds
Like Nanda, Angulimala Darska and Sankara.
However, purification only takes place when you confess sincerely in the right way, using the four powers as antidotes. The purification process will never work if your eyes and mouth are otherwise occupied, or if you are just mouthing the words, "I admit.......I confess.....or say mantras" while your mind is buy pursuing other thoughts. And to thnk, " IN future, even if i do wrong it wont matter because i can just confess afterwards," will stop the purification from working at all, even if you do confess.
Jetsun Mila( A mahasiddha in
You may doubt that confession can rally purify negative actions,
But if your thoughts become positive, you are purified !
─ Minling Khenchen Rinpoche
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