佛歡喜日,圓滿解夏 --2014/9/22-23
((( 圓滿解夏 --
願一切眾生無有恐懼或被人欺, 心不被憂悶所迫。
願盲者見色,聾者能聽。 願因辛勞而致疲乏的身軀,得休息而復原。
願窮者轉富,悲傷者得歡樂。 願失落者得希望。
願風調雨順,農作豐收。 願所有的藥石具效和合理的祈求如願。
願一切病者,迅速由痛苦中解脫。願世間任何疾病永不復現。 ⋯⋯
願人們想及互相幫助。 -- 寂天菩薩 )))
願一切眾生無有恐懼或被人欺, 心不被憂悶所迫。
願盲者見色,聾者能聽。 願因辛勞而致疲乏的身軀,得休息而復原。
願窮者轉富,悲傷者得歡樂。 願失落者得希望。
願風調雨順,農作豐收。 願所有的藥石具效和合理的祈求如願。
願一切病者,迅速由痛苦中解脫。願世間任何疾病永不復現。 ⋯⋯
願人們想及互相幫助。 -- 寂天菩薩 )))
敏卓林傳承,本年度由8月10日至9月23日 的 結夏安居,已順利於9月23 日圓滿。
於22號當日,佛學院將近三十位的堪布與洛本,給予了所有僧眾及居士們開示及法教。今年度的主講上師為堪布 Sangay Gyatso,是以由其首先給予法開示,隨後其他堪布與洛本輪番上台演音,直至午夜方圓滿此次殊勝的佈道。
謹隨喜 ~
也感謝所有護持安居燈供的善友大德 _()_
如同確吉.札巴(Chökyi Drakpa)所說:「七支修持(或稱七支虔修)融入了所有累積資糧的重點。」分別為:
1. 頂禮─對治傲慢
2. 供養─對治貪愛
3. 懺悔─對治瞋恨
4. 隨喜─對治疑嫉
5. 請轉法輪─對治愚痴(無明)
6. 請佛住世(不入涅槃)─對治邪見
7. 迴向功德─對治疑惑
☉ Photo story | Summer retreat -kenpo Sangay Gyatso gave teaching | Mindroling college 2014 | 9 |22
This Summer retreat in Mindroling 2014 (since 8 |10- 9 |23 ) , teachers were expected to give teaching to all monks and lay people during the night on the 22nd September of this summer retreat. Therefore around 30 Khenpos and Lopons were engaged on the teaching till midnight. Khenpo Sangay Gyatso was the main khenpo of this current summer retreat, and therefore were the first to lead the teaching sessions, following by other khempos and kenpos. On the following day (23rd), all participants in this retreat made seven branch offerings and ended this substantial and fulfilling retreat.
Seven branches — As Chökyi Drakpa says: "The seven branch practice (or the seven aspects of devotional practice) incorporates all the key points for gathering the accumulations."
They are:
1.prostration, the antidote to pride
2.offering, the antidote to avarice
3.confession, the antidote to aggression
4.rejoicing, the antidote to jealousy
5.requesting to turn the wheel of Dharma, the antidote to ignorance
6.requesting not to pass into parinirvana, the antidote to wrong views
7. dedication of merit, the antidote to doubts
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─祝福您歡喜清心•平安喜樂 更多
於22號當日,佛學院將近三十位的堪布與洛本,給予了所有僧眾及居士們開示及法教。今年度的主講上師為堪布 Sangay Gyatso,是以由其首先給予法開示,隨後其他堪布與洛本輪番上台演音,直至午夜方圓滿此次殊勝的佈道。
謹隨喜 ~
也感謝所有護持安居燈供的善友大德 _()_
如同確吉.札巴(Chökyi Drakpa)所說:「七支修持(或稱七支虔修)融入了所有累積資糧的重點。」分別為:
1. 頂禮─對治傲慢
2. 供養─對治貪愛
3. 懺悔─對治瞋恨
4. 隨喜─對治疑嫉
5. 請轉法輪─對治愚痴(無明)
6. 請佛住世(不入涅槃)─對治邪見
7. 迴向功德─對治疑惑
☉ Photo story | Summer retreat -kenpo Sangay Gyatso gave teaching | Mindroling college 2014 | 9 |22
This Summer retreat in Mindroling 2014 (since 8 |10- 9 |23 ) , teachers were expected to give teaching to all monks and lay people during the night on the 22nd September of this summer retreat. Therefore around 30 Khenpos and Lopons were engaged on the teaching till midnight. Khenpo Sangay Gyatso was the main khenpo of this current summer retreat, and therefore were the first to lead the teaching sessions, following by other khempos and kenpos. On the following day (23rd), all participants in this retreat made seven branch offerings and ended this substantial and fulfilling retreat.
Seven branches — As Chökyi Drakpa says: "The seven branch practice (or the seven aspects of devotional practice) incorporates all the key points for gathering the accumulations."
They are:
1.prostration, the antidote to pride
2.offering, the antidote to avarice
3.confession, the antidote to aggression
4.rejoicing, the antidote to jealousy
5.requesting to turn the wheel of Dharma, the antidote to ignorance
6.requesting not to pass into parinirvana, the antidote to wrong views
7. dedication of merit, the antidote to doubts
Visit us at : http://khenchen.pixnet.net/blog │ http://khenchen.wordpress.com/ │http://www.khenchenrinpoche.org/ /
這裡是The EasternSun Official Blog
─祝福您歡喜清心•平安喜樂 更多