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Support the gilding


Gilding the Buddha statues can make the statues even more sacred and solemn, enabling the viewers to generate pure and respectful thoughts. No matter how much money they contribute, the people who support the gilding will definitely get the blessings from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, increase their merits and wisdom, remove all the karmic hindrances in all their lives, and benefit their descendants. Supporting the gilding does not only help us accumulate the supreme merit and wisdom, and obtain profound karmic rewards for our own liberation, it can also help our this life¡¦s parents extend their life and add good fortune, thus providing the dual benefits of the supra-mundane one and the worldly one. As it was written in ¡mThe Sutra of the Causes and Effects of Three Lives¡n, ¡§Gilding the Buddha statues is decorating oneself. Clothing Tathagata is dressing oneself.¡¨


All the sentient beings are indulged in the deep affliction of Samsara, so they need to follow the guidance of the Guru the beacon towards the path of liberation. The fact that the Dharma can instruct and enlighten the beings in this world largely relies on the maintenance of the sutras and statues, which inherit the noble Dharma from the past. Therefore, in the past generations, the Gurus with supreme merits maintained the Dharma through building Buddha statues, which had exceptionally supreme meaning and dependent origination.

In order to benefit all the sentient beings, the Sedeng Monastery started to construct the Buddha statues in 2014. Having heard of the news, the devotees everywhere actively participated in supporting the construction. Currently the assembly of several Buddha statues has been complete, and the monastery has started to gild them.

Tenzin Zangpo Rinpoche¡¦s Teaching

Building the Buddha statues for the world peace and the happiness of all beings


Although the Buddha statues are placed in the Sedeng Monastery, they do not belong to the monastery, but to everyone; also, what we are to spread is not Sedeng monastery¡¦s Dharma, but Shakyamuni Buddha¡¦s Dharma; after the completion of the construction, not only can the devotees living nearby get the blessing, but also all the beings can attain the benefits. Our motivations are for the world peace and the happiness of all beings, so we build the Buddha statues. Let¡¦s make efforts together and continue generating pure thoughts. I also hope that everyone can support more, and tries his/her best in order that the construction will completed soon to benefit the sentient beings!

Anyone who supports the gilding will immediately obtain all the merits of building 200,033 Buddha statues.

According to what is said in ¡mTreasury of Abhidharma¡n, if many people perform a wholesome deed together, everyone can attain the merit of the wholesome deed completely. As you can see, all the devotees who participate in this supreme undertaking can attain a complete version of all the merits of Sedeng Monastery¡¦s new construction of 20,033 Buddha statues. Tenzin Zangpo Rinpoche will in person bestow the blessing to all the devotees who contribute to the building of the statues. If we can participate in the donation activity in the name of our friends and the ancestors who passed away, this will help accumulate great merits for them and sow the seeds of ultimate liberation.

Ways of Donation
Please explain in email using the templates below after making the donation

±b¤á¡G¤¤°ê¹A¦æ ¦¨³£°Ó¹©°ê»Ú¤ä¦æ
¥d¸¹ ¡G622846 04600 2427 5513

1, Bank Transfer
Account: Agriculture Bank of China, Chengdu Shangding International Branch
Account name: Busang
Account number: 622846 04600 2427 5513


2, Alipay Transfer
Account number: sedengzhilu@sina.com
Account name: A ze duo ren

¥d¡@¸¹¡G6216 6131 0001 8476 930
»È ¦æ¡G¤¤°ê»È¦æ¤j¨¶¤ä¦æ

3¡BOverseas areas (Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas), the amount of special account:
Name: Min Guangyong
Card number: 621661310001847693
Bank: Bank of China Dayi branch
Account Name: MIN GUANG YONG,


After wiring and transferring the money, please make sure to send an email to sedeng01@163.com




Email subject: Support the gilding

Email Content: please write clearly the donor¡¦s name, the amount, the time, the account from which the money is transferred, the transferring bank, the name of the account, and other detailed information; if you have met the thresholds of getting the sacred objects, you have to write clearly the name of the sacred object and its quantity, as well as the address and cell phone number of the recipient.

In order to serve you more efficiently, please make sure to add mantissa to the amount when wiring the money, such as 2000.17 Yuan, 1000.59 Yuan.


When your contribution has reached a certain amount, you can put a name list into the Glorious Web of Magical Illusion Mandala palace. The Sedeng Monastery¡¦s Sangha will practice Dharma and give blessing to these names every day, hoping that they can get what they want, and increase their merits and wisdom.

Anyone who supports the gilding will immediately obtain all the merits of building 200,033 Buddha statues.

The gifts for donation in detail are as follows.


1. For a donation of 200Yuan or more, you can get one Obstacle Removal Vajra knot, a pack of nectar pills or a pack of mandala sand. (We give out randomly).


2, For a donation of 1000 Yuan or more, you can get a supremely blessed liberation mantra wheel¡]Glorious Web of Magical Illusion Mandala Liberation Mantra Wheel, Padmasambhava Liberation Mantra Wheel, Wrathful Padmasambhava Liberation Mantra Wheel, Jambhala Liberation Mantra Wheel, Simhavaktra Dakini Liberation Mantra Wheel, Vajrakilaya Liberation Mantra Wheel, White Tara Liberation Mantra Wheel, and so on. We randomly give out one of above.¡^


If the living wears the liberation mantra wheel, s/he can get Buddhas¡¦blessings, and remove countless karmic sins. If the dying wears it, s/he can get enlightened by the Buddhas immediately. Under the guidance of Tenzin Zangpo Rinpoche, the Sedeng Monastery¡¦s Sangha made these liberation mantra wheels. The Guru emphasized the supremeness of this mantra wheel again and again, saying that if we place the mantra wheel on the heart of the dying, this equals to that the Guru and Buddhas come in person to give blessings and guide him/her.


3, For a donation of 1500 Yuan or more, you can get an extraordinarily supreme vase of treasure (You can pick one from Padmasambhava Vase of Treasure¡AJambhala Vase of Treasure, White Tara Vase of Treasure, Kurukulla Vase of Treasure, and so on) or a sacred Vajrasattva statue made of manmade colored crystal. Also, you can put a name into Sedeng Monastery¡¦s Glorious Web of Magical Illusion Mandala palace. The Sangha will practice Dharma and give blessings to these names every day, hoping that they can get what they want, and increase their merits and wisdom.


For a donation of 2000Yuan or more, you can get an Amulet box cased with Guru¡¦s hair and supreme torma; also, you can put one name into the Glorious Web of Magical Illusion Mandala palace for blessings.

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For a donation of 3000Yuan or more, you can get an extraordinarily supreme Buddha statue filled with sacred substances (You can pick one from Buddha Statue of Padmasambhava, Manjusri, Avalokiteśvara, Kurukulla, Venerable Saraha, and so on. The size and weight of the Venerable Saraha Buddha Statue: 16cm * 11.5cm, weight 780g; the size and weight of Avalokiteśvara, Manjusri and Padmasambhava Buddha statue: 13cm*9cm, weight 380g). Also, you can put two names into the Glorious Web of Magical Illusion Mandala palace for blessings.


For a donation of 10,000Yuan or more, you can get a carved Buddha Statue using the mountain stone on the Ri Wo Bai Ma Sacred Mountain (You can pick one from Buddha Statue of Shakyamuni, Manjusri, Vajrasattva and Jambhala), plus an amulet box cased with Guru¡¦s hair and supreme torma. Also, you can put six names into the Glorious Web of Magical Illusion Mandala palace for blessings.

**¦a°Ï¬d¸ß¤H¤Î¹q¶l****Area Inquiry and email**

­» ´ä Hong Kong : Lotus Hung hkreleaselive@yahoo.com.hk
»O ÆW Taiwan : Nathan Chen nathanqchen@gmail.com 
¿D ¦{ Australia : Christina yangtong1127@hotmail.com
¬ü °ê USA : Victoria victoria27wu@gmail.com 
¥[®³¤j Canada : Ivy ogyentso@gmail.com 
©x¤è¬d¸ß¹q¶l : sedeng01@163.com
Official query email : sedeng01@163.com






2016/1/9 ¤U¤È 12:44:46

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