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Malaysia and Singapore's Chief Monk passes away

Malaysia and Singapore's Chief Monk passes away

Malaysia and Singapore's Chief Monk passes away


The Buddhist Channel, Aug 31, 2006

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia -- The Chief monk of Malaysia and Singapore, Ven. Dr K Sri Dhammananda Maha Nayaka Thera passed away peacefully at 12.42 pm today. He was 87.

圖片點擊可在新視窗打開檢視<< The venerable's "home coming" to the Buddhist Maha Vihara

Born in the small village of Kirinde, Matara in southern Sri Lanka on March 18, 1919, Ven. Dr K Sri Dhammananda or "Chief" as he is fondly called, was ordained at the age of 12.

He was given the name "Dhammananda" which means "one who experiences happiness through Dhamma." At the age of 22. he received higher ordination (upasampada) under Venerable K Ratanapala Maha Thera, the Chief abbot of Kotawila Vihara.

Ven. Dr K Sri Dhammananda came to Malaya (now Malaysia) in January 1952. He has since then made Malaysia his adopted home. His contribution to the development of Buddhism in pre-independence Malaya and then modern Malaysia is beyond measure.


Ven Dhammaratana leading the puja session with other monks  >>

He was foremost in promoting Buddhist education to the grassroot and was responsible to bring basic Buddha-Dharma teachings to the lay people. The venerable's impact was especially felt amongst the English speaking local Buddhists.

Meanwhile at the Buddhist Maha Vihara in Kuala Lumpur, the venerable's body was brought back to the vihara at around 5.30 pm today local time. The temple has declared 3 days of official mourning.

Members of the public can pay their last respect to the venerable at the "Dewan Asoka". The funeral will take place on Sunday.

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2006/9/1 上午 09:01:06


Funeral arrangements for the late Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda

The Buddhist Channel, Sept 1, 2006

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia -- The Buddhist Channel has been informed that funeral arrangements for the late Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda has been finalised as follows:

1st September (Friday)

7 to 8 pm:  Chanting by Mahayana monks/groups
8 to 9 pm:  Chanting by Vajrayana monks/groups
9 to 10 pm:Chanting by Theravada Thai monks
10 to 11pm:Chanting by Theravada Burmese monks
11 pm to next day 7pm: Chanting by various Theravada monks
2nd September (Saturday)

7 to 8 pm:   Chanting by Mahayana monks/groups
8 to 9 pm:   Chanting by Vajrayana monks/groups
9 to 10 pm: Chanting by Theravada Thai monks
10 to 11pm:Chanting by Theravada Burmese monks
11 pm to next day 7am: Chanting by various Theravada monks
3rd September (Sunday)  

7 to 8 am:  Chanting by Mahayana monks/groups
8 to 9 am:  Chanting by Vajrayana monks/groups
9 to 10 am:Chanting by Theravada Thai and Burmese monks
11 am: Monks Dana at Buddhist Maha Vihara
1 pm: Eulogy Ceremony
3 pm: Cortege leaving Buddhist Maha Vihara for Nirvana Memorial, Semenyih
5 to 9 pm: Cremation ceremony at Nirvana Memorial

The cremation ceremony
A 40 foot pyre is currently being constructed for the cremation by craftsmen sponsored by the Sri Lanka temple of Sentul, Kuala Lumpur. The Chief monk of the temple, Ven. Saranankara said that the idea of the pyre was mooted as not many Buddhists in Malaysia have seen such a ceremony.

Apart from the pyre, the hearse will also be specially built to carry the casket from Buddhist Maha Vihara to Nirwana Memorial in Semenyih. Supervised by Ven. Ananda, the hearse is designed according to Sri Lankan tradition.

Visiting hours to Buddhist Maha Vihara
Visiting hours for those who wish to pay their last respects are opened 24 hours a day until the funeral service on Sunday.

Making contributions
Those who wish to make contributions on a personal basis may do so at the Buddhist Maha Vihara office. Separate sections have designated for various contributions, such Chief’s medical expenses, funeral expenses and publication.

Traffic management
Traffic near Buddhist Maha Vihara is understandably congested at the moment. The road in front of the Vihara has been made off limits to the public and parking spaces are severely constrained. Visitors are advised to car pool or take public transport to go to the Maha Vihara.

2006/9/1 上午 09:01:44

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