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¢w±ÓªL³ô¤d¤¯ªi¤ÁMinling Khenchen Rinpoche /¤¤Æ[ The middle way /

¡· ¹Ï¬°±ÓªL³ô¤d¤¯ªi¤Á¤£¤¦§Ê¥¬/2013/12/1 / Minling Khenchen Rinpoche & Pema kenpo / Bhutan 2013 ( tks for Pema Yangzom )
The stream of consciousness, which is empty,
is carried away by thoughts that are likewise empty.
Whatever we do, for good or ill, it is our mind that is the true agent.
This is how mind falls and remains in the six realms of samsara. It is the mind itself that fabricates samsara, and it does so because it fails to recognize its own nature.
~~ H.E.¢¸th Miling Khenchen Rinpoche
Feeling is the lasso that binds mind and object together;
When you know it as nondual sameness, it is Chenrezi-
It is none other than the Sublime Bountiful Lasso.
In the realization of same taste, recite the six-syllable mantra.

It is the conjunction of the body with the mind that enables feelings of pleasant and unpleasant, happiness and suffering, to arise. When your body feels some minute pain, such as the prick of a thorn, the reason you dislike it is that you believe in the notion of an individual self. You therefore think, "Me....my body... my happiness... my suffering." The fact that when other people experience exactly the same pain it hardly bothers you at all is proof of the extent to which you believe in an "I".

This skandha, feeling, is the bond that ties you to the three worlds of existence. Feeling is the basic reaction of like and dislike that occurs when you encounter anything in the phenomenal world. It comes about through the functioning of the sense organs and their corresponding consciousness. if you examine it, you will recognize it to be devoid of any real entity; feeling then becomes the wisdom of sameness, and its nature is none other than the aspect of Chenrezi known as the Bountiful Lasso, Amoghapasha in Sanskrit. ¢w Minling Khenchen Rinpoche /

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2013/12/2 ¤W¤È 11:57:42
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¢w±ÓªL³ô¤d¤¯ªi¤ÁMinling Khenchen Rinpoche /¤¤Æ[ The middle way /

¡·¹Ï¬°±ÓªL³ô¤d¤¯ªi¤ÁMinling Khenchen Rinpoche /TAIWAN 2008
The mind is king, and body and speech are servants which must do its bidding. It is the mind that conceives faith and the mind that conceives doubt; it is mind that conceives love and the mind that conceives hatred. The mind is the root of every defilements. It is here that anger is born; and from anger every kind of hurt and injury to others. The mind is the soil in which all this grows: all malevolence, envy, desire, stupidity, arrogance and so forth. It is because of these defilements that we accumulate actions that prevent us from escaping from samsara. That is why Buddha told us that we should completely subdue our minds and to get a grip on our minds. Having realized that the mind is the root of all affliction, we must be vigilant in keeping it under control, holding down our defilements as much as we can.

Taming the mind and making it positive needs perseverance.
If you gain control over your mind, then even if you are at the point of death, you will understand that it is only because of a particular thought that there is an impression of dying- but that the nature of the mind is utterly beyond both birth and death.

Those who have a sense of shame are careful how they act;
Careful in their actions, they are self-possessed;
Self-possessed, they keep their vows and pledges(Promise);
Keeping vows and pledges, they will have accomplishment.
Lord Buddha said:
Alas! Samsara is born from karma,
From karma, happiness and unhappiness are made,
Whenever conditions are gathered,
They make karma,
And karma makes happiness and unhappiness again.
Karma is the activity of cause and result. All beings with dualistic mind are continually creating karma. There are many different methods according to different beings' capacities for purifying the karma of dualistic mind.

Hinayana Practitioners: Through aversion to the suffering of samsara, try to abandon the cause of karma, which are ego and the passions that arise from ego, in order to attain the enlightenment of self peace.
Mahayana Practitoners: Try to realize that there is no prossessor of a self and no possessor of phenomena, so therefore all phenomena become illusory with the freedom of nonattachment, which automatically opens immeasurable compassion towards beings who do not realize this, in order to attain enlightenment for the benefit of countless beings.
Vajrayana Practitioners: Through the perception of deity appearance, try to transform all karmic phenomena through nondualistic wisdom mind in order to attain enlightnement in the immeasurable, pure mandala of all Buddhas.
¢wMinling Khenchen Rinpoche / Mind

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2013/12/4 ¤W¤È 08:10:49
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¢w¢w´°¯]ªk¤ýKyabje Dudjom Rinpoche / ¨ã³Ó¸ÑªÌ¤§¤ßÃıШ¥¡E¨©º¿·O¹çĶ /

¡· ¹Ï¬°©õ¤é´°¯]ªk¤ý(Dudjom Rinpoche) »P¤G¥@¤Ú§ù½±ªiù´¿¤¯ªi¤Á ( Jmpal Lodoe Rinpoche )
"Since pure awareness of nowness is real Enlightenment,
in openness and contentment I found the Truth in my heart.
By simply relaxing in this uncontrived, open, and natural state,
we obtain the quality of effortless freedom of whatever arises."
~H.H. Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche
It's imperative to exert yourselves in the practice of guru yoga until you have grasped the vital essence of this pracice.
If you do not do this, your meditation wll grow weaker and even though it creates some benefit, many obstacles will arise.
Producing genuine understanding in the mind is not easy, so pray to your guru with uncontrived, fervent devotion.
Eventuallyyou will receive direct transmission from the enlightened mind of theguru and extraordinary realization, beyond expression in words, willarise.
~H.H. Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche
Self-manifest Buddhahood, this awareness,
Is original dharmakaya, never seperate from you.
You've never been seperate from it, so just recognize it right now.
It is very important to remain settled in the ground of this recognition.
~H.H. Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche

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2013/12/5 ¤W¤È 08:26:56
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¡·¹Ï¬°´L¶Qªº±ÓªL³ô¤d¤¯ªi¤ÁÀ³¤£¤¦°@·q«H²³( Pema Woseliing retreat centre ) ¤§¬è½Ð¡A©ó2013/11/29­¸©è¤£¤¦®i¶}¼Æ¤éªº¥°ªk¦æµ{¡C ( Amiitayus Long Life Empowerment by H.E. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche
,Thimphu 2013/12/1 )
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¢w±ÓªL³ô¤d¤¯ªi¤ÁMinling Khenchen Rinpoche /¥Hª÷­è­¼ªºÆ[ÂI²¤½Í¨Ñ¾i/

¡·¹Ï¬°´L¶Qªº±ÓªL³ô¤d¤¯ªi¤ÁÀ³¤£¤¦°@·q«H²³¤§¬è½Ð¡A©ó2013/11/29­¸©è¤£¤¦®i¶}¼Æ¤éªº¥°ªk¦æµ{¡C ( Amiitayus Long Life by H.E. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche
,Thimphu 2013/12/1 )
In general, Offering or giving alms is very well known in all religions and also considered to be a spiritual way which has been a flourishing and also considered as a good or meritorious action.

In each religion there are many and diverse ways of making an offering. But now since we are talking about Buddhist way of offering in Mahayana andVajrayana point of view.

If I may just categorize it
1.Place for offering.
2.Base or the foundation for offering which is the mind.
3.The object
4.The reason for offering
The place of offering- The three Jewels- Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Ones Master from whom one has received teachings or any instruction for being a good human being.

The base or the foundation to any offerings is the motivation or the willingness to offer with good and pure mind.
Pure mind for willingness to offer is not by forced or imitating others.

The object for offering ¡V should be the best and things that are precious to oneself.

The reason for offering- should not be for ones own benefit. All sentient beings have only one wish to be free from this suffering, or if we think about just the human beings- everyone want a good life, prosperity, no suffering, a comfortable one so does oneself. So this is the reason that we make offering to the Three Jewels that by the power of this merit may all sentient beings be free from this suffering and attain according to their wishes.

If one has this kind of motivation, it not only benefits oneself but also many beings which ultimately benefits oneself.
If the offering is made to benefit self then it is limited to self which does not multiply more. If ones motivation is vast as the sky or vast as where all sentient beings so does ones merit or benefit continues till the attainment of the wishes of sentient beings.
The Action- is very deceiving, cannot trust because other then oneself no one knows the intention behind the action. It can be pure or maybe not. So there is no reason to be surprised by action. What matters is the intention or motivation behind the action.

If the motivation is good but the action does not look good- is nothing to worry about. It is not a problem. There are many examples mentioned in Sutra regarding bad action with pure motivation.

How do we know the motivation is good or bad?

No one can see one¡¦s mind other then oneself. If you really check your mind carefully and see that your motivation is pure and correct, or without self interest then this is a good motivation. So, this state of mind is only known to oneself. And this state of mind satisfies you or you feel happy about it is a good motivation.

In any ritual or any personal dharma practices you do, this kind of motivation is very important.

The bases of any offering, merit or not according to Mahayana or Vajrayana depends upon one¡¦s motivation.

If the motivation is not correct then whatever actions we do, whether big or small does not make anydifference . It would be a waste. Action of offering is not important.
If with good motivation- offerings whether small or vast does not matter.

There are two ways of objects- one that belongs to oneself and one that does not belong to oneself. So if one wish to offer but does not have anything- he or she can offer the blue beautiful sky, the flowers, the good smell of flowers, the sunshine, the beautiful melodious song etc, also the most precious to us is our Body, Speech and Mind. One can offer one¡¦s body by following the path of Buddha, helping all beings in different ways , the speech- by saying prayers or just simple action of speech is saying something good to others and mind ¡V having compassion to all sentient beings is also an offering. In Buddhist term the 5 aggregates one can offer.

After one has made the offerings one should never regret. If one does then this burns all the merit one has accumulated due to the offerings, this does not benefit anyone not even to oneself.

Once you have offered, just forget about it and move on with your normal life. One should not ponder or wonder how the effect would be, or doubt about the place where you offered, if the offering was made to a Master- wondering and inquiring about the Master, did I offer to good master or not? etc. It not only demerit ones offering but also losses ones character too.

Once the famous Indian Saint Kalidas said- Do good action and not think about the result. Just throw it away. Throw it away means that one should not keep on thinking about it.
No matter whatever good action one does, whether small or big one should always dedicate it to all sentient beings.

There are many dedication prayers that one can say as this will help you let go of your attachment to the offering.
May all sentient beings enjoy happiness and the causes of happiness
May they be free from suffering and the causes ofsuffering
May they dwell in the great equanimity that is free from attachment and aversion.
A simple dedication prayer would be
By the power of this merit may all sentient beings wishes be fulfilled.
¢w±ÓªL³ô¤d¤¯ªi¤ÁMinling Khenchen Rinpoche / offering /

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[¦¹©«¤l¤w¸g³Q§@ªÌ©ó2013/12/7 ¤U¤È 08:24:27½s¿è¹L]
2013/12/7 ¤W¤È 08:15:40
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¢w ªìâªk¤ýH.H. Kyabje Trulshik Ri⋯⋯
npoche / ªìâªk¤ý¶}¥Ü/http://khenchen.pixnet.net/blog/post/11893489-·tÃú¾B¤ëºE~-¹çº¿¬£´x±Ðªk¤ý--ªìâªk¤ý¥Ü±I-/

¡· ¹Ï¬°´L¶Qªºªìâªk¤ý( H.H. Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche )
If your mind is pure, everyone is a buddha. If your mind is impure, everyone is ordinary. ~H.H. Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche

We therefore need to train our minds to think of others with tolerance,compassion,and love, and to develope the good heart from which all the qualities of enlightenment will unfold.

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³o¸Ì¬OThe EasternSun Official Blog
2013/12/10 ¤W¤È 08:11:18
²Ä 36 ¼Ó

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¢w±ÓªL³ô¤d¤¯ªi¤ÁMinling Khenchen Rinpoche /¤¤Æ[ The middle way/
¢w Áï¤d¤¯ªi¤Á
¹Ï¬°±ÓªL³ô¤d¤¯ªi¤Á(Minling Khenchen Rinpoche) , Áï¤d¤¯ªi¤Á ( Khochen Rinpoche ) / Taiwan
The Five Circumstantial Endowments:
The five circumstantial endowments are five circumstances that permit us to fully utilize all eight freedom and five self-endowments.
The first circumstantial endowment is that the Buddha has come into this world. We have been born in a time when a Buddha was born, attained enlightenment, and taught Dharma.
The second circumstantial endowment is the Buddhas teachings. If the Buddha has never taught, we would never be able to meet with or understand the Dharma. We are fortunate not to be in such a situation, we have the opportunity to connect with the teachings and instructions that develop the ground of enlightenment. We are endowed with what is known as " Dharma resting without degeneration": The Dharma still exists and is still being practiced; the purity of the view remains.
The third circumstantial endowment is the good fortune to have been born at a time when the Dharma-with all the goodness and genuineness of the teachings- is still being taught. If we were to be born in a time much later than this, when all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and great masters had already come and gone, we would live in degenerate age.
The fourth circumstantial endowment is that there are living example of the Dharma and the practices. The view has been completely preserved, and we are able to encounter the pure view and connect with the Sangha that practices it completely.
The fifth circumstantial endowment, which is the most important os all, is the genuine kindness in the heart of the teacher.
Anyone who teaches the Dharma must have compassion for others. Otherwise, no matter how much effort a teacher exerts, it's likely that the Dharma will be misinterpreted and that students will not be directed to the correct view. We are fortunate to have met teachers with genuine compassion who do not teach for personal gain.
¢wMinling Khenchen Rinpoche / The Five Circumstantial Endowment

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³o¸Ì¬OThe EasternSun Official Blog
2013/12/11 ¤W¤È 07:26:46
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(( ±Ó¨ôªL¢w»¡¹L¸Üªº½¬®v­ð¥d /
Mindrolling - Thangka of Speaking Padmasambhava .))

¢w ±Ó¨ôªL»¡¹L¸Üªº½¬®v­ð¥d/

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This thangka is just outside the main shrine room and has a famous story to it.
After Tredak Lingpa finished the ritual dance of the manifestation of Guru Rinpoche and went to his room, during that time the thangka spoke ¡V¡¥¡¦Son, are you tired? ¡¥¡¦

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2013/12/13 ¤W¤È 11:57:46
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2013/12/21 ¤W¤È 07:27:24
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((Love is a noble act of self-giving .
Dear all , Merry X¡¦mas ! ))

±N¦Û¤v­×Áå±o§¹¬ü¡A¬O¹ï²³¥Íªº¤j·R¡F°ß¦³¸g¾ú¡B¸g¾ú¡B¦A¸g¾ú ¡A±q¦Ó¶W¶V ¡A¤è±o´¼¼z¡C





¢w ±ÓªL³ô¤d¤¯ªi¤Á /

Love is a noble act of self-giving, offering trust, faith, and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don't become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved ones.
¢w by Louryfel
The intention to have faith creates faith. A clear intention is extremely important in all Dharma because it focuses energy and defines our aim so that we can attain it. Without intention, energy is wasted, diffused, and lost, preventing any accomplishment. If we have the strong intention to pratice in order to reach enlightenment, we can dedicate all of our activity toward this intention.

As much as intention is limited, the result will be limited. If we have a vast intention, no one can prevent its fulfillment because of the unpreventable strength of natural mind. If we wish to help and serve others through love, and to become the same as sublime beings trough faith by praying and offering to them, without expecting immediate, substantial rewards, one day the power of these vast intentions will become as great as the aim of our wishes, prayers, and offerings.

The biggest obstacle to having faith is the impure perception, through which anything can be misinterpreted. If our spiritual qualities are undeveloped, it prevents us from being able to recognize profound qualities in others.

If we want to develop continuous, vast love that is not affected by temporary circumstances, we have to create faith, since actual love comes from faith. Ordinary love that is not connected to faith depends on the changeable reactions of others, decreasing or increasing according to how it is rewarded and capable of turning into hatred or indifference. This kind of love has expectation and is not truly giving.

Great love comes from the faith which connects us to the blessings of sublime beings' wisdom mind so that everything, including love and faith, becomes deep and pure. Then ultimately, without any expectation, conditions, or intention, love becomes the unobstructed emanation of the limitless, aimless, natural love of the great compassion of enlightenment.¢w Minling Khenchen Rinpoche

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2013/12/25 ¤W¤È 08:11:46
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¦n´Î°Ú ²³æ©öÀ´ªºÄ´³ë ¹ï·~¦³§ó¦h¤F¸Ñ¤F
2014/1/6 ¤W¤È 01:04:28
²Ä 41 ¼Ó


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³o¸Ì¬OThe EasternSun Official Blog
2014/2/8 ¤W¤È 07:33:43
²Ä 42 ¼Ó

((( §i§O )))

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There are four things on earth that are unable to achieve:
1. None in this world can escape from illness,
2. From death,
3. Departing with loved ones,
4. Nothing in the world is permanent.All phenomena are impermanent.None can bring along with anything on his deathbed.

Dear friends, here is a piece of sad news!
Khenpo Sherab Wangchuk of Mindrolling College has passed away on 19th Jan 2014 around 3am due to sudden physical discomfort. H.E.Minling Khenchen Rinpoche is now back to the monastery, and the farewell ceremony is scheduled on the 22nd of January 2014.(Wed)

Let¡¦s salute Khenpo Sherab Wangchuk for his effort in pursuing the Dharma, and let¡¦s pray for his reincarnation to the pureland of the Padmasambhava, and may he reborn into the saha world again for the well being of all sentient beings.

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2014/2/8 ¤W¤È 07:35:08
²Ä 43 ¼Ó

¢w ±ÓªL³ô¤d¤¯ªi¤Á

You can see the faults of others with your own eyes, but to look at you own shortcomings, you need a mirror. No matter who You are , You should not pick someone else's fault . we should reflect upon ourselves .If you can abide to this rule, I am sure you yourself and others will all be happy. ¢w Minling Khenchen Rinpoche

¡·¹Ï¬°±ÓªL³ô¤d¤¯ªi¤Á Minling Khenchen Rinpoche / 2014/ 1 / Taiwan

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2014/2/8 ¤W¤È 07:35:43
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§Ú­ÌÀ³±N¥Í©Rµo´§¨ì²OºvºÉ­P¦ÓµL¿ò¾Ñ¡C¢w ±ÓªL³ô¤d¤¯ªi¤Á

There is a end to All animate or inanimate once born or come into existence. Once step into existence the journey to the end has already begun, so, each moment is very precious that we live to the fullest with no regrets.
¢wMinling Khenchen Rinpoche

¡·¹Ï¬°´L¶Qªº±ÓªL³ô¤d¤¯ªi¤ÁMinling Khenchen Rinpoche ¡EJan. 2014¢xTaiwan

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2014/2/8 ¤W¤È 07:37:32
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¡X ¦bBuddh Gaya, India
2014/2/8 ¤W¤È 07:40:29
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2017/12/24 ¤W¤È 09:44:45
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